Hi everyone ,
So i have been using my shiftphone6mq for some months now. I problem that has been really bugging me however (since around the time i had the phone) is that all background apps seem to be routinely killed by the system all at once - regardless if battery optimizations are set or not for the apps.
It seems that apps that are in the immediate foreground do not get killed when this happens, but if I lock the screen then that most recent foreground app also dies. This has been especially annoying when listening to music only for the song to be abruptly cut off due to the app being killed, if I have a keepass database open in the background...ect.
This issue tends to reduce in frequency for a bit if I restart my phone.
Is this a known bug in ShiftOS 3.8G or is this unique to my device?
I do have my phone rooted via magisk - but nothing I have installed with root access should do this (nor has done this with my other devices).
Thanks for your help!
So i have been using my shiftphone6mq for some months now. I problem that has been really bugging me however (since around the time i had the phone) is that all background apps seem to be routinely killed by the system all at once - regardless if battery optimizations are set or not for the apps.
It seems that apps that are in the immediate foreground do not get killed when this happens, but if I lock the screen then that most recent foreground app also dies. This has been especially annoying when listening to music only for the song to be abruptly cut off due to the app being killed, if I have a keepass database open in the background...ect.
This issue tends to reduce in frequency for a bit if I restart my phone.
Is this a known bug in ShiftOS 3.8G or is this unique to my device?
I do have my phone rooted via magisk - but nothing I have installed with root access should do this (nor has done this with my other devices).
Thanks for your help!
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