Unable to make calls and loss of network on the highway


New member
Original poster
17 Januar 2025
Hello everyone, I am the happy owner of a Shiftphone 8.0 in Belgium.

I am quite satisfied with the phone (apart from the camera which is below my old Redmi Note 7) but I still have 2 big problems.

1) Randomly, I cannot make or receive calls. I say randomly because at the end of the day (at home) I can make a call 1 time out of 10 (and the rest of the time I have a notification that still says mobile unavailable).

2) On the highway I have not had a single trip where I did not lose the signal during the trip (when it comes to my music it is annoying but not serious on the other hand when it is the GPS I just get lost).

Here are some technical details from my operator:

- Operator: Orange Belgium
- Subscription: Go Light

According to this article https://community.orange.be/t5/Réseau-et-Sécurité/Orange-lance-VoLTE-et-VoWIFI/m-p/4468 I should be able to enable VoWifi and VoLTE on my phone if he is compatible. Of course this phone is not available in the list of compatible phones but I was hoping that it was some generic solution.

Good to know: I'm using an E-Sim.
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Reaktionen: Weltfrieden für alle
1) Randomly, I cannot make or receive calls. I say randomly because at the end of the day (at home) I can make a call 1 time out of 10 (and the rest of the time I have a notification that still says mobile unavailable).

According to this article https://community.orange.be/t5/Réseau-et-Sécurité/Orange-lance-VoLTE-et-VoWIFI/m-p/4468 I should be able to enable VoWifi and VoLTE on my phone if he is compatible. Of course this phone is not available in the list of compatible phones but I was hoping that it was some generic solution.
Hello jeydolen,
regarding your first issue (see citation), the Shift-Community is exchanging information about the issue and potential work around-solutions in the community thread called "Keine Telefonate trotz 5G und korrektem APN" (in German ) available under the following link if you did not know about that:
I have a very similar issue that classical calling is not possible and that VoLTE and Wifi-Calling as an option is not even dispayed in my shiftphone 8's settings. Hope that the above mentioned thread may be helpful for you.
Best wishes☮️