Interested in buying SHIFT6mq / Interessiert am Kauf von SHIFT6mq

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Original poster
16 Januar 2025
If anyone has a SHIFT6mq they want to sell, I am interested in buying. You can pm or contact me at Located in the USA, more than happy to pay shipping. Pay-pal works best.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Moin moin,
ich möchte mein Shift 6mq nun auch verkaufen. Und hier muss ich ja nicht erklären, was das Teil ist...
Ein paar Anmerkungen:
  • Display letztes Jahr einmal getauscht.
  • Originalverpackung samt Pfandzertifikat vorhanden.
  • Ersatz-Panzerfolien (unversehrt, aber schon mal "aufgeklebt") vorhanden.
  • An Akku-Austausch-Aktion teilgenommen.
  • Öko-Bumper Kaffee
  • Zurzeit SOS .3.10.G.20231025
  • Standort: Bochum (gerne Funktionskontrolle vor Ort - noch nicht auf Werkszustand gesetzt).
  • Ich kann auch gerne Fotos etc. vom Handy machen - sieht aber nun mal wie ein 6mq aus :)
Gerne per PN samt Preisvorstellung.
That was to easy to connect😂...
Means translated:

"Hello there,
I would now also like to sell my Shift 6mq. And I don't have to explain what it is here...
A few notes:
- Display replaced once last year.
-Original packaging including deposit certificate available.
- Replacement armor foil (undamaged, but already "glued on") available.
- Participated in battery replacement campaign.
- Eco-bumper coffee
- Currently SOS .3.10.G.20231025
- Location: Bochum (happy to check function on site - not yet set to factory condition).
I can also take photos etc. of the phone - but it looks like a 6mq :)
Gladly by PN including asking price."

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Reaktionen: danielp und Martin S.
That was to easy to connect😂...
Means translated:

"Hello there,
I would now also like to sell my Shift 6mq. And I don't have to explain what it is here...
A few notes:
- Display replaced once last year.
-Original packaging including deposit certificate available.
- Replacement armor foil (undamaged, but already "glued on") available.
- Participated in battery replacement campaign.
- Eco-bumper coffee
- Currently SOS .3.10.G.20231025
- Location: Bochum (happy to check function on site - not yet set to factory condition).
I can also take photos etc. of the phone - but it looks like a 6mq :)
Gladly by PN including asking price."

Thank you.
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