[LineageOS 15.1] Double Tap 2 wake funktioniert nicht


Active member
Original poster
24 Juni 2019
Moin Zusammen,

bei mir funktioniert DT2W nicht.
Wenn ich im Menü "Zum Aktivieren tippen" einschalte, wirft der ADB Logcat folgenden Fehler:
06-30 12:59:51.654: E/SHIFT PowerHelper(441): Error opening /proc/touchpanel/double_tap_enable: No such file or directory

What is your--
LineageOS version: 15.1.20190615-UNOFFICIAL-SHIFT6m | Build: lineage_SHIFT6m_userdebug 8.1.0 OPM7.181205.001 d13d0ca6fe test-keys
LineageOS Download url: https://www.androidfilehost.com/?w=files&flid=295594
Gapps version: open_gapps-arm64-8.1-pico-20190626

Did you--
wipe: no
restore with titanium backup: yes, initially
reboot after having the issue: yes

Are you using--
a task killer: no
a non-stock kernel: no
other modifications: no

Provide any additional information (observations/frequency of problem/last version it worked on/etc) as needed.
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