[SOLVED] Device no longer 'Play Protect certified' after update to LineageOS 22.1


Original poster
13 Januar 2023
I've been running my SHIFT6mq with LineageOS ever since I got it about 2 years ago without any issues. Yesterday I decided to update from LOS 21 to 22.1 (build 'lineage-22.1-20241231') and all seemed fine, until I noticed some apps won´t open. They instead display a screen telling me my device "isn't Play Protect certified" (screenshot attached) and it won't allow me to use the app. So far I've only noticed this issue in some Google apps like YouTube and GMail, but most importantly the Play Store as well... I did update MindTheGapps before rebooting to system when I updated LOS from recovery using ADB sideload.

At first I thought the issue was related to Magisk, so I've tried:
- Rehiding Magisk
- Reinstalling Magisk
- Using the 'Play Integrity Fix' Magisk module

The weirdest part of this is that, with the 'Play Integrity Fix' module installed, the 'Integrity Checker' app does show two green checks for 'Device integrity' and 'Basic integrity', but I still get this issue.
I've done a lot of searching online and couldn't find anyone else with the same issue that wasn't solved by this Integrity Fix module. So I'd like to know: is there anyone else on here with the same issue? If so, I'd like to hear what you have tried and if it had any results. I would prefer not to have to do a clean install of LineageOS, but I'll try that in the coming weekend if I haven't found a fix before then.

EDIT: The problem has been solved! See @getle's reply (#6) below for the fix. I personally had to wait about a day for things to start properly working again.


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Zuletzt bearbeitet:
LineageOS is not "Play Certified". Never been. You can catch and spoof this (as described by you) if you hide root and use modules like "Play integrity fix" with the right fingerprint, "Tricky Store" with the right keybox and modules to hide LSposed and root.

But you will probably never be able to do this with LineageOS out of the box without root.
LineageOS is not certified by nature.

But I also have the feeling that Google has changed something here with Android 15. I'm currently using a Pixel 7 with stock Android 15, open bootloader and root and can't get a positive Play Integrity result (with the modifications) at the moment.

However, these are always just temporary modifications until Google changes something again. If you read XDA on the subject, you'll quickly realise that the modders are almost unable to keep up.

That seems to be the compromise they are prepared to pay.
This is also the reason (besides the slowly malfunctioning hardware) why my wife would like to swap her Pixel 3 LineageOS 22.1 for a device with stock Android out of the box and unlocked bootloader. To be able to use apps again that she currently has to do without.
Modding is becoming increasingly difficult. Everyone has to know that for themselves, but I don't think you should complain if something no longer works as intended.
Of course you can look for solutions to problems and ask for help, but I think sooner or later the point will come when it just won't work any more. It's sad that Android is moving more and more in the direction of Apple, although I can certainly understand the security argument. The users who want far-reaching changes are probably significantly outnumbered in percentage terms.


LineageOS ist nicht "Play Zertifiziert". Nie gewesen. Man kann das ( wie von dir beschrieben) auffangen und spoofen wenn man Root versteckt und Module wie "Play integrity fix" mit dem richtigen Fingerprint, "Tricky Store" mir der richtigen Keybox und Module um LSposed und Root zu verstecken nutzt.

Nur mit LineageOS Out of the box ohne Root wirst du das aber wahrscheinlich nie hinbekommen.
LineageOS Ist eben von Natur aus nicht zertifiziert.

Ich habe aber auch das Gefühl, dass Google hier mit Android 15 irgendwas verändert hat. Nutze aktuell ein Pixel 7 mit Stock Android 15, Offenem Bootloader und Root und schaffe es (mit den Modifikationen) derzeit nicht ein positives Play Integrity Ergebnis zu bekommen.

Wie auch immer sind das aber auch jedes Mal nur modifizierungen auf Zeit, bis Google wieder was ändert. Wer auf XDA zu dem Thema querliest sieht sehr schnell, dass die Modder hier fast nicht hinterher kommen.

Das scheint der Kompromiss zu sein, den man bereit ist zu zahlen.
Das ist auch (neben der langsam nicht mehr funktionierenden Hardware) der Grund, warum meine Frau ihr Pixel 3 LineageOS 22.1 gerne gegen ein Gerät mit Stock Android out of the Box und unlocked bootloader tauschen würde. Um eben wieder Apps nutzen zu können auf die sie im Moment verzichten muss.
Modding wird immer schwerer. Das muss jeder für sich selbst wissen, aber ich finde man darf sich auch nicht mehr beschweren wenn was nicht mehr wie vorgesehen funktioniert.
Natürlich darf man Problemlösungen suchen und um Hilfe fragen, aber ich denke früher oder später kommt der Punkt, an dem es einfach nicht mehr funktionieren wird. Traurig, dass Android sich hier immer mehr in Richtung Apple bewegt, wobei ich die Argumentation des Sicherheitsaspektes durchaus auch nachvollziehen kann. Der Nutzer, der tiefgreifende Veränderungen will ist prozentual wahrscheinlich in der deutlichen Unterzahl.
LineageOS is not "Play Certified". Never been. You can catch and spoof this (as described by you) if you hide root and use modules like "Play integrity fix" with the right fingerprint, "Tricky Store" with the right keybox and modules to hide LSposed and root.

But you will probably never be able to do this with LineageOS out of the box without root.
LineageOS is not certified by nature.

But I also have the feeling that Google has changed something here with Android 15. I'm currently using a Pixel 7 with stock Android 15, open bootloader and root and can't get a positive Play Integrity result (with the modifications) at the moment.

However, these are always just temporary modifications until Google changes something again. If you read XDA on the subject, you'll quickly realise that the modders are almost unable to keep up.

That seems to be the compromise they are prepared to pay.
This is also the reason (besides the slowly malfunctioning hardware) why my wife would like to swap her Pixel 3 LineageOS 22.1 for a device with stock Android out of the box and unlocked bootloader. To be able to use apps again that she currently has to do without.
Modding is becoming increasingly difficult. Everyone has to know that for themselves, but I don't think you should complain if something no longer works as intended.
Of course you can look for solutions to problems and ask for help, but I think sooner or later the point will come when it just won't work any more. It's sad that Android is moving more and more in the direction of Apple, although I can certainly understand the security argument. The users who want far-reaching changes are probably significantly outnumbered in percentage terms.


LineageOS ist nicht "Play Zertifiziert". Nie gewesen. Man kann das ( wie von dir beschrieben) auffangen und spoofen wenn man Root versteckt und Module wie "Play integrity fix" mit dem richtigen Fingerprint, "Tricky Store" mir der richtigen Keybox und Module um LSposed und Root zu verstecken nutzt.

Nur mit LineageOS Out of the box ohne Root wirst du das aber wahrscheinlich nie hinbekommen.
LineageOS Ist eben von Natur aus nicht zertifiziert.

Ich habe aber auch das Gefühl, dass Google hier mit Android 15 irgendwas verändert hat. Nutze aktuell ein Pixel 7 mit Stock Android 15, Offenem Bootloader und Root und schaffe es (mit den Modifikationen) derzeit nicht ein positives Play Integrity Ergebnis zu bekommen.

Wie auch immer sind das aber auch jedes Mal nur modifizierungen auf Zeit, bis Google wieder was ändert. Wer auf XDA zu dem Thema querliest sieht sehr schnell, dass die Modder hier fast nicht hinterher kommen.

Das scheint der Kompromiss zu sein, den man bereit ist zu zahlen.
Das ist auch (neben der langsam nicht mehr funktionierenden Hardware) der Grund, warum meine Frau ihr Pixel 3 LineageOS 22.1 gerne gegen ein Gerät mit Stock Android out of the Box und unlocked bootloader tauschen würde. Um eben wieder Apps nutzen zu können auf die sie im Moment verzichten muss.
Modding wird immer schwerer. Das muss jeder für sich selbst wissen, aber ich finde man darf sich auch nicht mehr beschweren wenn was nicht mehr wie vorgesehen funktioniert.
Natürlich darf man Problemlösungen suchen und um Hilfe fragen, aber ich denke früher oder später kommt der Punkt, an dem es einfach nicht mehr funktionieren wird. Traurig, dass Android sich hier immer mehr in Richtung Apple bewegt, wobei ich die Argumentation des Sicherheitsaspektes durchaus auch nachvollziehen kann. Der Nutzer, der tiefgreifende Veränderungen will ist prozentual wahrscheinlich in der deutlichen Unterzahl.
Thanks for your reply! I was afraid it would be something like this. I've read things about Lineage not being Play certified, which I found odd since I never had any issues while I've never had to do anything like spoofing. I also got the impression it was me doing something wrong since I had trouble finding people with this issue around the LOS 22.1 upgrade or people in the SHIFT community with this issue. And I agree that it definitely seems like something that has changed since Android 15, since the problems started occurring after the upgrade.

And I didn't mean to sound like I was complaining! I'm incredibly grateful for the modders and their communities for their work with getting these Custom ROMs and stuff to work at all! It's just sad that Google seems to put so much effort in making their lives more difficult. I want to hope things will get better over time, but it just seems that these mindsets of locking down devices and not allowing any customization at all only keep getting worse.

For the time being, I will downgrade back to LOS 21 on my device. If I have more time in the near future, I will look into the options you mentioned or look into FOSS alternatives for the Google Apps I rely on now and maybe ditch the Google services altogether.
And I didn't mean to sound like I was complaining!
I didn't mean to direct this at you personally, but rather as a general appeal. I often see people starting things out of actionism, where they have little prior knowledge, only to realise later that it doesn't work as hoped. This often leads to frustration, which is then vented in forums and discussions. So it wasn't a criticism of you personally, but a general thought. I apologise if the wording was misleading and therefore misunderstood.

Hello BoredStudent,

I had the same problem and was able to solve it after searching on the Internet and in other forums by following these steps:

1. Activate USB debugging and connect the phone to the PC
2. Run the following commands on the PC:
adb root
adb shell
sqlite3 /data/user/$(cmd activity get-current-user)/*/*/gservices.db "select * from main where name = \"android_id\";"
3. The command outputs the GSF ID, which must be registered in your Google account, the URL for this is https://www.google.com/android/uncertified/2025-01-04 23_08_30-C__WINDOWS_system32_cmd.exe.png

2025-01-04 23_12_39-Registrieren – Mozilla Firefox.png

4. Give Google 5 to 10 minutes to update their database
5. Deactivate the Google Play Store app and the Play Store services and delete their memory and caches
6. Reactivate the app and the Play Store services
7. It should work now, at least it worked for me

Please excuse my bad English, Google translated this for me :-)



ich hatte das selbe Problem und konnte es aber nach einer Suche im Internet und in anderen Foren durch folgende Schritte lösen:

1. USB Debugging aktivieren und das Telefon mit dem PC verbinden
2. Folgende Befehle auf dem PC ausführen:
adb root
adb shell
sqlite3 /data/user/$(cmd activity get-current-user)/*/*/gservices.db "select * from main where name = \"android_id\";"
3. Durch den Befehl wird die GSF ID ausgegeben, diese muss bei Google in Deinem Account registriert werden, die URL dafür lautet https://www.google.com/android/uncertified/
4. Google 5 bis 10 Minuten Zeit geben deren Datenbank zu updaten
5. Die Google Play Store App und die Play Store Dienste deaktivieren und deren Speicher und Caches löschen
6. Die App und die Play Store Dienste wieder aktivieren
7. Jetzt sollte es funktionieren, bei mir ging es jedenfalls

Bitte verzeiht mein schlechtes Englisch, Google hat dies für mich übersetzt
I didn't mean to direct this at you personally, but rather as a general appeal. I often see people starting things out of actionism, where they have little prior knowledge, only to realise later that it doesn't work as hoped. This often leads to frustration, which is then vented in forums and discussions. So it wasn't a criticism of you personally, but a general thought. I apologise if the wording was misleading and therefore misunderstood.

No worries, I understand. And I fully agree with you there, I wish I could do more myself to help the modding community directly, but I sadly do not have the time or knowledge to get into the development side myself :(
Hello BoredStudent,

I had the same problem and was able to solve it after searching on the Internet and in other forums by following these steps:

1. Activate USB debugging and connect the phone to the PC
2. Run the following commands on the PC:
adb root
adb shell
sqlite3 /data/user/$(cmd activity get-current-user)/*/*/gservices.db "select * from main where name = \"android_id\";"
3. The command outputs the GSF ID, which must be registered in your Google account, the URL for this is https://www.google.com/android/uncertified/Anhang anzeigen 5711

Anhang anzeigen 5712

4. Give Google 5 to 10 minutes to update their database
5. Deactivate the Google Play Store app and the Play Store services and delete their memory and caches
6. Reactivate the app and the Play Store services
7. It should work now, at least it worked for me

Please excuse my bad English, Google translated this for me :-)



ich hatte das selbe Problem und konnte es aber nach einer Suche im Internet und in anderen Foren durch folgende Schritte lösen:

1. USB Debugging aktivieren und das Telefon mit dem PC verbinden
2. Folgende Befehle auf dem PC ausführen:
adb root
adb shell
sqlite3 /data/user/$(cmd activity get-current-user)/*/*/gservices.db "select * from main where name = \"android_id\";"
3. Durch den Befehl wird die GSF ID ausgegeben, diese muss bei Google in Deinem Account registriert werden, die URL dafür lautet https://www.google.com/android/uncertified/
4. Google 5 bis 10 Minuten Zeit geben deren Datenbank zu updaten
5. Die Google Play Store App und die Play Store Dienste deaktivieren und deren Speicher und Caches löschen
6. Die App und die Play Store Dienste wieder aktivieren
7. Jetzt sollte es funktionieren, bei mir ging es jedenfalls

Bitte verzeiht mein schlechtes Englisch, Google hat dies für mich übersetzt
That sadly didn't work for me... Had to upgrade from LOS 21 back to 22.1 and after that it actually took a few hours before the problem started occurring again. I'll try resetting the Play Store app and the Services again tomorrow, maybe it just needs some more time.

And don't worry about your English. Maybe I should be the one apologizing for speaking English on this forum which seems to be practically German only ;)
I can actually understand a fair bit of German as I am from The Netherlands, but not enough to comfortably write a full forum post... Tut mir leid!
That sadly didn't work for me... Had to upgrade from LOS 21 back to 22.1 and after that it actually took a few hours before the problem started occurring again. I'll try resetting the Play Store app and the Services again tomorrow, maybe it just needs some more time.

And don't worry about your English. Maybe I should be the one apologizing for speaking English on this forum which seems to be practically German only ;)
I can actually understand a fair bit of German as I am from The Netherlands, but not enough to comfortably write a full forum post... Tut mir leid!
I've waited a bit longer, and today at around 17:00 things randomly started working again! So danke schön to @getle!
Hi @getle,

ich habe versucht gemäß der Anleitung die GSF ID zu ermitteln.
Leider bekomme ich nur die folgende Meldung:
adb shell 'sqlite3 /data/user/$(cmd activity get-current-user)/*/*/gservices.db \
"select * from main where name = \"android_id\";"'/system/bin/sh: no closing quote

Scheint bei meinem SHIFT6MQ mit neuestem LineageOS nicht zu funktionieren.
Freue mich sehr über jegliche Unterstützung.

Freundliche Grüße