(SHIFT6mq) Bootloader unlock / Root / Custom Recoveries / GSI / ROMs / Mods

Dann muss ich irgendwas falsch gemacht haben, bei mir kann ich WLAN nicht aktivieren. Hab es gerade nochmal mit dem Boot Image von dir probiert.
Habe kein Update gefunden, sehe aber gerade das ich SHIFT6MQ:SOS.3.0.L.20201113 und das mit Boot Image vermutlich SHIFT6MQ.SOS.3.0.L-20201209-magisk_patched_boot ist.

Vorher bekomme ich das ggf. neuere Update, was mir nur nicht angezeigt wurde?
Ist das dieses hier was wieder mit fastboot geflasht werden muss?

Konnte es per OTA App flashen.

Jetzt fehlt nur noch TWRP oder ähnliches für Backups ...
Das derzeitige scheint ja noch nicht einsatzfähig zu sein, wenn ich es richtig gesehen hab.
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NICE I will have a read and learn something! :) Just, well pretty much finish rooting my new LG V20 as I did not know when my 6mq would arrive and my old phone is breaking up. But got the mq6 yesterday. Lets have a read. Thanks.
System uses 21 GB out of the box with G version - that is insane.... Like get real...
Just checked my Android 8 that I have just installed on my LG V20 - and it is 8.9 GB out of the box, which is still outrageous but at least smaller.
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Did you check the size of your windows installation ;)
400 mb for windows 2000 and 500 mb for windows xp. Before it went absolute crazy nuts from there. Pretty much have been a down hill thing since Windows 2000, the days of Computing Paradise where sanity and stability was the way.

And the "F1RST!" tag goes to HydrexHD anyway, so let's maybe wait until Shift provides an OS-L full system image, at least?
Another link I can't enter. *Sigh*

Working: Magical 21100 + Riru 22.0 + Riru - EdXposed v0.5.0.6_4569-android_r (Sandhook)

Anhang anzeigen 2050

And that is? Also you had something about Gapps in magisk... hmm lot of things I do not know.

Still trying to figure out how to get my Applications to the new device... LG Mobile Switch sadly did not work for retrieving the backup files or making them on the 6mq, there are 2 other options to try out, but i don't think they will work either, but time will tell. Doing a lot of things at the moment to figure things out and reading on stuff :)
Thanks for all the work done already!!!

Seems it not that easy to get my applications and such over to the new phone. from LG V20 to LGV20 Android 8 it seemed to go pretty smooth but... Seems the LG program have issues on the new phone, I will try again in hope it works. But I have tried all 3 options with no breakthrough - found Titanium back APK, but not sure how that works or what it can do and of cause I most likely need root. I just recalled that it made APK files for install, but maybe I am wrong. I do have another root application which might be able to help me... I don't know why there are different version numbers for the LG switch app as well, kinda confusing. But overall, I have yet to get things sorted out. *Sigh*

Will we be able to further upgrade to the Stable version from this? Need to reread the things on this page. Gapps can be done with Magisk? Like if one wants pico or nano... Although I rather go 100% Purist.

Anyway, I will reread the Tread and think and meditate on things, and go from there.

I think I messed up, went pretty strait with the unlocking the bootloader and root. But then I was disturbed while doing the TWRP, and coming back to it I seemed to have done stupid. Seems pretty bricked at the moment. Anyway to tired and will have to look at it tomorrow. Still don't have access to the information on installing the Light version so... Lots of weird nonsense seems to have been added to the new Android in regards of partitions, just a little more bullshit to the system to make it more complicated. A B - A B - A B...

Okay, anyone knows how to restore the phone back to the Original and have the files for Shift G and L. I think I have the L version in a Zip. anyone have the G version.
Looks like I have bricked my phone, the TWRP Recovery thing, did me in. Just trying to wake up here, but as Computing work like Woman they sometimes break and do things they should not do, and my laptop rebooted while it was copying files, because... Microsucks nonsense. I am sick and tired of all the digital nonsense, I have turned off this rebooting thing and yet, apparently it still go on to do it by itself. What a sickening world we live in blurring out the Male aspect of sanity of computing of either or not. Computers should work binary either or not not wavering analog like maybe.

What is this nonsense of this new bootloading thing, A B, A B, A B.... The only thing I can think of is, I want a clear pure Linux phone, I am so sick and tired of the bullshit from these companies like Android lunar crash, Microsucks, Rotten Apple and what not. I'm sick and tired of it all, Root should be out of the box.
I wish the Librem phone had been sorted out, sadly there is still a long way for that platform. But at least it has Root out of the box without doing anything. And I guess no nonsense of partionens. Like... TWRP tells me I have huge amounts of partionens on this new device with Android 10.

Well, I guess it was a nice thing that I got a new used LG V20 and got it rooted before I got the Shift 6mq - who knows how long I will be in brick mode. :p
Does not look good, I will need to track down some Shift OS files and figure things out, yet still don't have access to Alpha so I am looked out of information on stuff which is not helping if I wanna solved it.

At the moment the phone boots into TWRP, no system. I don't know what that is about, I flashed the TWRP for the A Boot, and it then still did half TWRP Recovery and also had the old Recovery coming up... So I flashed the B Boot as well... but overall, I seemed to have lost my system - at least it won't boot into it.

But this guide was very nice as long as you just keep it to unlocking the bootloader and rooting it. I tried also to run the Light version Zip... As I did not have access to the manual and information on how to do it, I just went ahead and tried it after it booted into TWRP all the time, yet does not seem much is happening.

So I now have a mighty fine phone that has TWRP as its system :D Ha ha ha
Well, I'm sure I can restore it, if I could just get access to the files and the information. That's really the first issue having no access, and then - lets just try and do, I tend to work like that.

Why a phone would not be rooted out for the box, is just a diabolical move by the Devil to take freedom from the user. It should be as easy as flipping a button, or even just having it from the beginning like the good old days! I should not need to waste endless time making a phone do what I want, or be kept in jail and not be allowed to do something. If I wanna record calls, then let it be so - don't make me waste hours and hours to sort it out because Google closed the feature down from Android 9. Sickening to the core, which is a future thing I know I need to look into. 1 thing here, 1 thing there - it quickly becomes 100's of things in a line to sort out.

Lets just wipe everything on the phone and take it from there. Sort this out somehow. Well, TWRP is clearly installed on it, that works at least.

Its weird apparently it still boots into ShiftOS Recovery sometimes, and sometimes TWRP...

It seems like if I reboot into recovery it boots into ShiftOS Recovery, but if I turn it on and off or for system it goes into TWRP. Like, yea... must be this A B nonsense things Google did on partionings.

Lets try to flash the Light version zip, although it not seem to do much last time. It says Flashing A/B zip to inactive slot: B. Wiped everything with TWRP and formatted every partitioning now.

Not sure if it does anything, But I will let it run for 20 minutes and see what happens :) Again I don't have access to the manual to install the Light version so if anyone could copy past it or something that would be fine :)
@JesusGod-Pope666 What you are doing here is not helpful. Please stop it! I know I encouraged it somewhat, but I think it is time to stop now.
I don't know what you are talking about, Users helps each other and talk about our problems. This is the way we start learning and growing ;)

@danielp I already have a soft bricked device here, lets use it for learning ;) Naa, it should not be that hard to restore with the right files and information, I'll see if I can sort it out.
I don't know what you are talking about, Users helps each other and talk about our problems. This is the way we start learning and growing ;)
He is talking about you spamming the forum.
Not only this thread, there are other places as well.

I have combined your 15 posts in a row now. Please don't behave like this.
Since you started posting we have to clean up non stop behind you.
He is talking about you spamming the forum.
Not only this thread, there are other places as well.

I have combined your 15 posts in a row now. Please don't behave like this.
Since you started posting we have to clean up non stop behind you.
No need to clean up, the whole idea of multiple post is to be able to see these post has not been posted at the one and the same time. If anything you could have the forum make one single combined post automatically with some kind of plugin that timestamps every single one and then unite any multi post into one. But I guess these days of evil, such things might be hard to figure out.
Do we have a chatroom some place to be able to talk to each other, I know Lineage has a Chatroom on Birdie/XMPP that I found yesterday, maybe a good thing to make one for Shift!

Bootloader unlocking Guide


Unlocking the Bootloader is required for modifying partitions on the device. This is required for gaining root access or flashing a custom recovery/ROM.


  • a Linux/Mac/Windows PC (this Guide is intended for Windows 10 users)
  • USB Cable
  • SDK Platform Tools


  1. download and extract the SDK Platform Tools into a folder on your drive root (e.g. C:\adb)
  2. boot up your device
  3. open the settings app
    1. go to About phone
      Anhang anzeigen 2015
    2. tap on the Buildnumber 7 times
      Anhang anzeigen 2027
    3. go to System
      Anhang anzeigen 2017
    4. go to Developer options
      Anhang anzeigen 2019
    5. enable Advanced restart and OEM unlocking
      Anhang anzeigen 2020
  4. hold the power button to bring up the power menu, tap on Restart and choose Bootloader
    Anhang anzeigen 2021
  5. navigate inside the folder you extracted the SDK Platform Tools to and bring up the cmd (click inside the navigation bar, type cmd and hit enter)
    Anhang anzeigen 2022
  6. type fastboot flashing unlock and hit enter
    Anhang anzeigen 2023
  7. on your device, select the "UNLOCK THE BOOTLOADER" option with the volume buttons and confirm with the power button
    Anhang anzeigen 2024
  8. your device should reboot and the bootloader is unlocked

Rooting Guide


Rooting is the method of gaining the opportunity to modify partitions (from within the userspace). Requires an unlocked bootloader.



  1. proceed with the "Bootloader unlocking Guide" first
  2. download and install the MagiskManager-v*.apk on your device
  3. boot into the bootloader (by using Advanced restart / holding down the volume-lower button and power-button together / adb reboot bootloader)
  4. navigate inside the folder you extracted the SDK Platform Tools to and bring up the cmd (click inside the navigation bar, type cmd and hit enter)
  5. type fastboot flash boot magisk_boot.img and hit enter
    1. if the process is stuck and won't display SUCCESS after about 30 Seconds, abort it in the cmd by pressing Ctrl + C and press the volume-down button on the device to select "Reboot Bootloader". Confirm buy a press on the power-button and try again.
    2. after it displayed SUCCESS you can type in fastboot reboot and hit enter
  6. your device should reboot is now rooted
    Anhang anzeigen 2049

Custom Recoveries

Honorable Mentions

  • 👨‍💻 Shift Staff for the Device/OS
  • 🔓 @7usr7local for the first unlocked bootloader
  • 👏 @mispecht for the first rooted device
  • 👑 @Lhotze for the extracted OS-L Bootimage
Hi Ene, herzlichen Dank für diese Anleitung das hat super funktionet! [Danke auch an alle anderen die daran mitgearbeitet haben!!] Hatte OS-L seit Dezember schon am laufen, und musste dann halt alles neu aufsetzen.
Beim Flashen von Magisk wollte ich schlauer sein und habe die aktuellste Version von Magisk (21.4) mit fastboot geflasht. Beim Reboot hatte ich dann aber die OS-G-Version vom November auf dem 6mq. Das wollte ich natürlich überhaupt nicht. Deshalb habe ich die Magisk von Lhotze hinterhergeschoben. Dann war alles wieder auf OS-L mit root, wie ich es haben wollte. Super, vielen Dank für diese perfekt sichere Anleitung!!!
Jetzt haben ich alles wieder am laufen und mit Titanium backup root gesichert.
Der Magisk Manager bietet mir nun ein update auf Magisk 21.4 an !?!
Soll ich mich das trauen? Wenn ich die runterlade muss ich sie ja noch installieren. Das wird über das recovery (Install from sd card) funktioneren. Ist dann wieder alles weg?? Läuft diese Magisk-Version unter OS-L überhaupt?
Bin auf deine Erfahrungen gespannt.
HG Uli
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Reaktionen: Martin S.
Beim Flashen von Magisk wollte ich schlauer sein und habe die aktuellste Version von Magisk (21.4) mit fastboot geflasht. Beim Reboot hatte ich dann aber die OS-G-Version vom November auf dem 6mq. Das wollte ich natürlich überhaupt nicht. Deshalb habe ich die Magisk von Lhotze hinterhergeschoben. Dann war alles wieder auf OS-L mit root, wie ich es haben wollte. Super, vielen Dank für diese perfekt sichere Anleitung!!!
Könnte es sein das das ein Problem bezüglich der A/B Partitionen ist? Das Boot image von @Ene war vielleicht auf A und das von @@Lhotze vielleicht auf B. Du warst auf B und dadurch bist du wieder bei der inaktiven Partition A gelandet auf welcher zuerst ShiftOS-G installiert war. Nachdem du das andere Image probiert hast hat es wieder zusammengepasst.

Wenn das der Fall ist wäre es wohl am Besten das bootimage mittels magisk mit der eigenen Installation zu erzeugen. Bin keine Experte mit magisk aber ich glaube es ist nicht all zu schwierig es selbst zu patchen.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Das BootIMG ist Partitionsunspezifisch. Theoretische ist es möglich (wenn auf beiden Partitionen dasselbe OS mit dem gleichen Updatestand drauf ist das Boot von einer Partition zu sichern und auf die andere aufzuspielen.

Selbst wenn ich ein OS-G BootIMG auf einem OS-L installiere, wird das System dadurch nicht als anderes angezeigt.
Hier gebe ich Daniel recht. Irgendwie haben sich durch das Update die Partitionen gewechselt.
Möglicherweise gab es durch das Flashen einen Bootfehler. Das System wechselt dann automatisch die Partition von A/B oder B/A. Dafür hat man ja zwei Partitionen, dass man ein funktionierendes System hat, wenn mal ein Updatevorgang schief geht.

Zu Magisk:
Ein Update innerhalb des Magisk-Managers (direkt installieren) funktioniert reibungslos.
Auch auf ShiftOS-L.
Direkt installieren hat funktioniert! Danke!
Muss ich wegen der Partitionen nun was tun? Droht da unheil, beim nächsten OS-L updaten?
Naja, alles gesichert :-) wird schon gut gehen.
Ich lerne täglich dazu!
Direkt installieren hat funktioniert! Danke!
Muss ich wegen der Partitionen nun was tun? Droht da unheil, beim nächsten OS-L updaten?
Naja, alles gesichert :-) wird schon gut gehen.
Ich lerne täglich dazu!
Sollte normalerweise nichts passieren außer das beim nächsten OTA der aktive Slot wieder wechselt. Aber der jetzige ist ja okay also würde er als Fallback auch wieder funktionieren.
Nö, das mit der Partition ist kein Problem.
In Grundzügen ist es so:

Du bist mit System 1 auf Partition A. Es gibt das neuere System 2 als Update.

Bei Geräten mit nur einer Partition wird das Gerät heruntergefahren und das Update 2 installiert. Das Gerät danach wieder hochgefahren.

Bei Geräten mit zwei Partitionen wird Update 2 aus dem Betrieb von System 1 auf der (inaktiven) Partition B installiert.
Das Betriebssystem wechselt beim nächsten Neustart auf Partition B. Wenn Update 3 kommt, wird das wieder auf Partition A installiert etc...

Sollte es beim Installieren des Updates 2 zu Fehlern kommen und das System von Partition B startet nicht, so wechselt es wieder auf Partition A und startet System 1. Du kannst quasi das Update nochmal (fehlerfrei) über die fehlerhafte Version drüberinstallieren.

Heißt für dich: Beim nächsten ShiftOS-L Update wird dein ShiftOS-G überschrieben.
Du verlierst durch das Update übrigens auch Root.

Deswegen: Direkt nach dem Update des Systems (wenn es über den Updatemanager kam) die Magisk-App öffnen und Magisk im "inaktiven" Slot installieren:
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Bei Geräten mit zwei Partitionen wird Update 2 aus dem Betrieb von System 1 auf der (inaktiven) Partition B installiert.
Das Betriebssystem wechselt beim nächsten Neustart auf Partition B. Wenn Update 3 kommt, wird das wieder auf Partition A installiert etc...

Gibt es eine Möglichkeit, die Partitionen zu wechseln? Also wahlweise diese oder jene zu nutzen? Beispielsweise, um OS-L auszuprobieren, aber jederzeit problemlos wieder zu OS-G zurückzukehren?

Wenn das geht, fände ich es eine prima Idee (und würde es mit Eurer Hilfe auch gern machen), eine Anleitung dafür zu schreiben, wie auch Laien wie ich ein OS-L installieren können, ohne befürchten zu müssen, hinterher einen teuren Briefbeschwerer zu besitzen.
Ja, mit dem Fastboot-Befehl
fastboot --set-active=a
fastboot --set-active=a
ist ein Wechsel möglich.

Im Falle ShiftOS-G und L auf zwei Partitionen kann es gegebenenfalls zu Problemen mit hinterlassenen oder verweisten Daten kommen.
Beide Partitionen teilen die selbe Data-Partition auf denen deine Daten abgelegt sind. Bspw deine Google-Accounts etc.
Hier landen auch Systemapp-Aktualisierungen wie bsp Google-Services.

Die haben den gleichen Namen wie das MicroG Paket...
Wenn du jetzt ein Update der Play-Dienste auf OS-G installierst und auf OS-L wechselt, auf dem MicroG drauf ist kann es hier zu Konflikten mit den Paketen oder hinterlassenen Daten kommen...

Ich denke auf Dauer wird das nicht gut laufen und mehrere Force-Closes bei diversen Apps verursachen.

Die Möglichkeit besteht mit entsperrtem Bootloader.

Auf Partition A ist OS-G auf B auch. Ich bin auf Partition A.
Ich habe unlocked Bootloader.
Ich installiere auf Partition A das Recovery vom ShiftOS-L Release und Boote in das Recovery.

Ich bin jetzt mit nem OS-G auf Partition A im OS-L Recovery A. Hier sideloade ich über ADB ein ShiftOS-L (am besten das erste Release).

Da hier beim Update lediglich überprüft wird, welche Version das Recovery hat dürfte OS-L nun auf Partition B installiert werden.
Danach wechselt das System auf Partition B.
Auf A ist immernoch OS-G drauf, gestartet wird OS-L auf B.

Falls es Probleme beim Starten gibt, Wechsel mit Fastboot wieder auf Partition A und du bist wieder bei OS-G.
Nicht umsonst wird aber bei einem Wechsel ein Factory-Reset empfohlen um etwaige Datenunordnung, die das System unstabil werden lassen kann zu vermeiden 🤷🏼‍♂️

Andersherum wird natürlich auch ein Schuh draus. Braucht's dann halt das Recovery von OS-G (selber Thread).

Im Prinzip also genau die von @Ene beschriebene Anleitung.

Das ganze funktioniert, da die Systeme nicht übereinander sondern nebeneinander installiert werden. Deswegen hattest du auch neben deinem OS-L noch das vorherinstallierte OS-G drauf.
The possibility exists with bootloader unlocked.

On partition A ist OS-G installed, on B too. I'm on partition A.
I have unlocked bootloader.
I install the recovery from the ShiftOS-L release on partition A and boot into the recovery.

I am now with an OS-G on partition A in OS-L Recovery A. Here I sideload a ShiftOS-L via ADB (preferably the first release).

Since the update only checks which version the recovery has, OS-L should now be installed on partition B.
Then the system changes to partition B.
OS-G is still on A, OS-L is started on B.

If there are problems starting, switch back to partition A with Fastboot and you are back at OS-G.
It is not for nothing that a factory reset is recommended when changing to avoid any data disorder that can make the system unstable 🤷🏼‍♂️

The other way around, of course, it also becomes a shoe. Is it then just the recovery of OS-G (same thread).

In principle exactly the instructions described by @Ene.

The whole thing works because the systems are not installed on top of each other but next to each other. That's why you also had the pre-installed OS-G on top of your OS-L.

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
So Status is my 6mq is still being bricked and a paperweight. I went for other things when I was banned - there is always things to do, and sadly no help from Technology in our days. I'll have to read what has been going on in the thread and take it from there.
Well, I still have TWRP and the original recovery and FastBoot Mode, interesting that both Recoveries are still accessible, I should only have one.

Maybe one could have gone into Light mode from the Google mode in the Shift system, although I did not see it - I just thought one flashed it with another image file to get from one to the other, I might have been wrong in regards of that. Which would also have made it easy to restore a phone when you did it in :P
I do have a beta image I need to look into, see what happens if I flash it - must be able to do something from adb from the command promph I would think. Need to read up on the commands in regards of that, I can't really make anything worse, I would think at least :D

Anyway wonderful guide on unlocking and rooting your device, worked without issues, although I did wonder if one could do it in another way, although kept to the manual not to do something wrong. Then I got careless with the TWRP as I was interrupted for an hour or so and being tired I was even further tired getting back, and needed to get into it again - and moved on with stupid actions. I should have gone to bed, but I really wanted to finish it up before sleeping.

Did not even think about doing a backup when I got TWRP installed, although not sure if it would have worked anyway - but that is usually one of the first smart things to do.

I really don't get all these partitions on these new Android phone, A B - seems to be more nonsense from Google that we then need to figure out and hack around it and waste time on nonsense. I like Simple, those days of windows 2000 was simple, stable and fun. You did not waste endless time of trying to make things do as you want - it just did. No unnecessary popups, no ads, no overblown graphics, no automatically restarts, no spying on you and no over bloat, those days was the paradise of computing.

Well, might get something up on Linux in our days, yet... learning all the time replaces the time on using things. Like it took me a lot of days just to get my new used LG V20 Rooted and work. Something which should take a near second to do, takes days in and out to get to and yet when you succeed you are further jailed in by the companies and need to use time on so many things and sort them out.

Anyway... Back on things, I wonder what that Shift6mq.sos.3.0.L-20201209-full_OTA is, if not the whole system to install. If only some kind of updates, then there does not seem much left for me to do as I wiped a lot of things in TWRP as thinking, I could just restore everything with an pure installation file and get on moving again. Which I might have concluded wrong.

If TWRP works on restoring systems and backing them up, that would be another way to restore my own system if anyone did make backup of theirs, I would think it should work on mine. Anyway, just thinking about the options, and where I can go from here.
Ach ja (Seufzzzz, eine deutsche Root-Anleitung alà (zyxwvu (MicroG)) wäre schon was feines;). Villeicht gibt es ja mal eine einfachere Root-Anleitung und auch noch sowas wie TWRP. Das funktionierende System sichern und wieder herstellen wäre schon was feines. Aber ich denke mal wir stehen hier noch ziemlich am Anfang. Nicht böse sein aber Träumen kann man doch mal. Ich für meinen Teil, und mittlerweilen meine liebe Frau lieben das LovePhone.:love:
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Reaktionen: Martin S.
I wanna report that my dead mobile after 3 days has been resurrected it seems! So it seems we can restore things back to stock without any issues, at least for now it looks pretty good. Have to do more testing tomorrow ;) But I am in the G system again!!! :) But for now, I should get into bed, getting to tired to think.
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Reaktionen: Martin S.
Hmm, I might need to delete everything again to get the Light version installed for now as it is older then the G version - although not sure if there is any feature already in the G version that can make the jumped? I don't know that much overall of the system and have not that much knowledge and experience on it yet.
I guess I will see if I can wipe the phone clean again with the help of TWRP and fastboot commands from the computer and see if I can get it to install the Light version of SOS.

Just sorting things out in my overburden brain that feels like it is ready to burn down. Most likely an update for the L version will be around before I get everything sorted out. Not sure why but Apply update from SD card does not seem to work for me, I thought it was the exFAT so I fixed FAT32 from the computer, then when that did not work from the mobile itself but still nothing. Failed to mount sdcard it says... Anyway, the Apply update from ADB works which was the thing that saved me on restoring my mobile with the FULL OTA G. I wanna try the Light version, and apparently can't just fix that without at least wiping out the whole thing again. But I guess I have some experience with that already...

So next goal is to brick the device again and see if I can get the Light version to work on my mobile and then root it. Would have been nice if I could have gotten this Apply update from SD card to work, so one did not need the computer, but apparently not. But at least the other option does seem to work, updating it from ADB from ShiftOS Recovery.

Apparently the phone is telling me not to toy around with it... Having issue after issue. It is restored, yet apparently somewhat harder this time to break it, as it is giving me some new issues after flashing the device with the Zip G Full OTA... I wish I had tried the Zip L Full OTA first... But I did not expect it to work, and the phone came with the G version so I thought the best chance of anything working would be using that specific file.
But now I am getting other issues trying to flash this and that, or not finding the device on the computer for doing commands.
I can't install the Light version as you are strictly NOT allowed to downgrade according to the message I get if I try to sideload in ADB which still works without issues from the computer.
But I am having issues with the bootloader now, not finding the device on the computer - and when I go into fastbootd, finding the device it cannot flash because there is no such file or directory.... Who knows... Maybe I am making some mistakes, or maybe a combination. Whatever the case, it is time for a break.

Think I solved the issue with the Batteries being hard to get out of the mobile with some sandpaper - although I would not recommend it before further testing on my behalf! ;)

System uses 21 GB out of the box with G version - that is insane.... Like get real...
Just checked my Android 8 that I have just installed on my LG V20 - and it is 8.9 GB out of the box, which is still outrageous but at least smaller.
Hmm, the Light version is also 21 GB??? How come it is the same, the Google image seems so much bigger compared to the Light installation Zip file.
I don't understand. I just got the Light version, that is older installed by the way.
Not sure if there is a thing one can flip to change from one version to another - it is all German to me pretty much :p
I got a breakthrough as the door was closed on me... I recalled I might be able to use my mobile and try that out, and it worked. Just weird things would stop working from my computer after the Newest Shift Google FULL OTA update, although who knows if it now works again now that I have installed an old version of the Light on my device. Just need to root it and maybe install TWRP. I think I am getting things in order, but as always a lot of hoops to jump through to get things done.
For anyone that mess it all up like me, it is possible to get it up and running again for yourself. There are a lot of hoops and it did take some time to figure out.
But one of the essential things is that you need the OTA for either the LIGHT version or the GOOGLE version which can be found here to restore it totally: https://forum.shiftphones.com/resources/categories/beta.8/

Then go into Recovery and update from Update ADB and connect a device from the outside and run the command that it says in the Console.

I was thinking of making a guide, but my head is spinning with all the new things to learn and sort out. But the thing is, we can recover our phones if something goes wrong - I have now done it a couple of times and even installed the older Light version after deleting everything I could on the mobile. And it is rooted as well.

Thanks for all the information and the helpful tutorial!
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Translated German:

Update auf TWRP, wenn Sie TWRP installieren und in Fastbootd neu starten - Sie erhalten eine TWRP-Bootloop und es wird nicht mehr in das System eingeben!!!
Sie müssen das Stock Recovery neu installieren und von dort aus geht es erst in Fastbootd und von dort aus schließlich ins System. Es scheint an diesem Fastbootd zu hängen, was dazu führt, dass es die ganze Zeit in TWRP geht. Es scheint nicht zu verstehen, dass es durch TWRP in Fastbootd eingetreten ist und dadurch - Sie keine Möglichkeit haben, in das System zu gelangen.

Wenn Sie also TWRP installieren, gehen Sie nicht in den Fastbootd, Sie brauchen ihn sowieso nicht, da Sie den Bootloader für die Verbindung verwenden. Ich habe immer noch nicht herausgefunden, warum es sowohl Bootloader als auch Fastbootd geben sollte... Was ist der Sinn davon??? Wie auch immer... Nur eine Vorwarnung für Leute, geben Sie nicht Fastbootd, wenn Sie die schmutzige TWRP installieren :)

original English:

update on TWRP, if you install TWRP and restart into Fastbootd - you will get a TWRP bootloop and it won't enter the system anymore!!!
You will have to reinstall the Stock Recovery and from there it first enters Fastbootd and then from there it will finally move into system. It seems it hangs on this Fastbootd which makes it go into TWRP all the time. It does not seem to understand that it has entered Fastboot by TWRP and thereby - you have no way of getting into the System.

So if you install TWRP do not go into the Fastbootd, you don't need it anyway as you use the bootloader for connection anyway. Still have not sorted out why there would be both bootloader and fastbootd... What is the point of it??? Anyway... Just a head up for people, don't enter Fastbootd if you install the dirty TWRP. :)
So if you install TWRP do not go into the Fastbootd, you don't need it anyway as you use the bootloader for connection anyway. Still have not sorted out why there would be both bootloader and fastbootd... What is the point of it??? Anyway... Just a head up for people, don't enter Fastbootd if you install the dirty TWRP. :)
That's exactly what I wrote HERE, just at the beginning. Please keep out of my thread from now on...
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Reaktionen: @Lhotze
The patched boot.img from @Lhotze from 09.12.2020 caused problems with the WLAN for me with the new version of Shift-OS L (SHIFT6MQ.SOS.3.1.L.20210226).

Im Anhang ein gerootetes Boot-Image der Shift-OS L Release Version (SHIFT6MQ.SOS.3.0.L-20201209) vom 09.12.2020.

I have therefore created a new boot image with the boot.img from the new release. I have followed the official Magisk manual.

The patched boot.img is about the same size as the original. However it is much bigger than the one from Lhotze (65 MB vs. 12 MB). Maybe somebody here can explain why this is the case.

The boot.img is patched with the latest Magisk version 22.0.

The file seems to be with 65 MB too big for the upload here in the forum.
Therefore I packed the file into a ZIP. So before you can use it, unpack the ZIP to get the img file.
