03-15 23:09:58.222 1000 12239 12239 F DEBUG : *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
03-15 23:09:58.222 1000 12239 12239 F DEBUG : Build fingerprint: 'SHIFT/axolotl/axolotl:10/QKQ1.201126.002/20220225:user/release-keys'
03-15 23:09:58.222 1000 12239 12239 F DEBUG : Revision: '0'
03-15 23:09:58.222 1000 12239 12239 F DEBUG : ABI: 'arm64'
03-15 23:09:58.223 1000 12239 12239 F DEBUG : Timestamp: 2022-03-15 23:09:58+0100
03-15 23:09:58.223 1000 12239 12239 F DEBUG : pid: 1469, tid: 2191, name: Binder:1469_6 >>> system_server <<<
03-15 23:09:58.223 1000 12239 12239 F DEBUG : uid: 1000
03-15 23:09:58.223 1000 12239 12239 F DEBUG : signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -1 (SI_QUEUE), fault addr --------
03-15 23:09:58.223 1000 12239 12239 F DEBUG : Abort message: 'JNI ERROR (app bug): global reference table overflow (max=51200)global reference table dump:
03-15 23:09:58.223 1000 12239 12239 F DEBUG : Last 10 entries (of 51200):
03-15 23:09:58.223 1000 12239 12239 F DEBUG : 51199: 0x1355fd20 com.android.server.telecom.callfiltering.CallScreeningServiceFilter$CallScreeningAdapter
03-15 23:09:58.223 1000 12239 12239 F DEBUG : 51198: 0x1355dd90 android.app.LoadedApk$ServiceDispatcher$DeathMonitor
03-15 23:09:58.223 1000 12239 12239 F DEBUG : 51197: 0x1355d778 com.android.server.telecom.callfiltering.CallScreeningServiceFilter$CallScreeningAdapter
03-15 23:09:58.223 1000 12239 12239 F DEBUG : 51196: 0x1f8eb7b0 android.database.ContentObserver$Transport
03-15 23:09:58.223 1000 12239 12239 F DEBUG : 51195: 0x13545c50 com.android.server.telecom.callfiltering.CallScreeningServiceFilter$CallScreeningAdapter
03-15 23:09:58.223 1000 12239 12239 F DEBUG : 51194: 0x1355baa8 android.app.LoadedApk$ServiceDispatcher$DeathMonitor
03-15 23:09:58.223 1000 12239 12239 F DEBUG : 51193: 0x135436a8 com.android.server.telecom.callfiltering.CallScreeningServiceFilter$CallScreeningAdapter
03-15 23:09:58.223 1000 12239 12239 F DEBUG : 51192: 0x1f8e7eb0 android.database.ContentObserver$Transport
03-15 23:09:58.223 1000 12239 12239 F DEBUG : 51191: 0x132eb5e0 com.android.server.telecom.callfiltering.CallScreeningServiceFilter$CallScreeningAdapter
03-15 23:09:58.223 1000 12239 12239 F DEBUG : 51190: 0x135419d8 android.app.LoadedApk$ServiceDispatcher$DeathMonitor
03-15 23:09:58.223 1000 12239 12239 F DEBUG : Summary:
03-15 23:09:58.223 1000 12239 12239 F DEBUG : 43949 of android.app.LoadedApk$ServiceDispatcher$DeathMonitor (43949 unique instances)
03-15 23:09:58.223 1000 12239 12239 F DEBUG : 3695 of com.android.server.notification.NotificationManagerService$StatusBarNotificationHolder (3695 unique instances)
03-15 23:09:58.223 1000 12239 12239 F DEBUG : 751 of com.android.server.am.ContentProviderConnection (751 unique instances)
03-15 23:09:58.223 1000 12239 12239 F DEBUG : 361 of java.lang.Class (274 unique instances)
03-15 23:09:58.223 1000 12239 12239 F DEBUG : 335 of com.android.internal.os.BinderDeathDispatcher$RecipientsInfo (335 unique instances)
03-15 23:09:58.223 1000 12239 12239 F DEBUG : 287 of java.nio.DirectByteBuffer (287 unique instances)
03-15 23:09:58.223 1000 12239 12239 F DEBUG : 261 of com.android.server.am.PendingIntentRecord (261 unique instances)
03-15 23:09:58.223 1000 12239 12239 F DEBUG : 243 of com.android.server.telecom.callfiltering.CallScreeningServiceFilter$CallScreeningAdapter (243 unique instances)
03-15 23:09:58.223 1000 12239 12239 F DEBUG : 233 of android.os.RemoteCallbackList$Callback (233 unique instances)
03-15 23:09:58.223 1000 12239 12239 F DEBUG : 176 of android.os.ResultReceiver$MyResultReceiver (176 unique instances)
03-15 23:09:58.223 1000 12239 12239 F DEBUG : 133 of com.android.server.am.ServiceRecord (133 unique instances)
03-15 23:09:58.223 1000 12239 12239 F DEBUG : 66 of android.database.ContentObserver$Transport (66 unique instances)
03-15 23:09:58.223 1000 12239 12239 F DEBUG : 61 of com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$AppDeathRecipient (61 unique instances)
03-15 23:09:58.223 1000 12239 12239 F DEBUG : 61 of com.android.server.display.DisplayManagerService$CallbackRecord (61 unique instances)
03-15 23:09:58.223 1000 12239 12239 F DEBUG : 50 of com.android.server.ConnectivityService$NetworkRequestInfo (50 unique instances)
03-15 23:09:58.223 1000 12239 12239 F DEBUG : 47 of com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry$TelephonyRegistryDeathRecipient (47 unique instances)
03-15 23:09:58.223 1000 12239 12239 F DEBUG : 31 of android.os.Binder (31 unique instances)
03-15 23:09:58.223 1000 12239 12239 F DEBUG : 28 of com.android.server.job.JobServiceContext$JobCallback (28 unique instances)
03-15 23:09:58.223 1000 12239 12239 F DEBUG : 14 of com.android.server.wm.Session (7 unique instances)
03-15 23:09:58.223 1000 12239 12239 F DEBUG : 14 of android.content.pm.BaseParceledListSlice$1 (14 unique instances)
03-15 23:09:58.223 1000 12239 12239 F DEBUG : 13 of com.android.server.wm.ActivityRecord$Token (13 unique instances)
03-15 23:09:58.223 1000 12239 12239 F DEBUG : 12 of java.lang.ref.WeakReference (12 unique instances)
03-15 23:09:58.223 1000 12239 12239 F DEBUG : 10 of com.android.server.wm.WindowState$DeathRecipient (10 unique instances)
03-15 23:09:58.223 1000 12239 12239 F DEBUG : 10 of com.android.server.inputmethod.InputMethodManagerService$ClientDeathRecipient (10 unique instances)
03-15 23:09:58.223 1000 12239 12239 F DEBUG : 9 of com.android.server.accessibility.AccessibilityManagerService$RemoteAccessibilityConnection (9 unique instances)
03-15 23:09:58.223 1000 12239 12239 F DEBUG : 8 of com.android.server.appop.AppOpsService$ModeCallback (8 unique instances)
03-15 23:09:58.223 1000 12239 12239 F DEBUG : 8 of com.android.server.input.InputManagerService$InputDevicesChangedListenerRecord (8 unique instances)
03-15 23:09:58.223 1000 12239 12239 F DEBUG : 7 of com.android.server.GraphicsStatsService$ActiveBuffer (7 unique instances)
03-15 23:09:58.223 1000 12239 12239 F DEBUG : 6 of com.android.server.appop.AppOpsService$ClientState (3 unique instances)
03-15 23:09:58.223 1000 12239 12239 F DEBUG : 6 of com.android.server.notification.ManagedServices$ManagedServiceInfo (5 unique instances)
03-15 23:09:58.223 1000 12239 12239 F DEBUG : 6 of com.android.server.telecom.VideoProviderProxy$1 (6 unique instances)
03-15 23:09:58.223 1000 12239 12239 F DEBUG : 6 of com.android.server.telecom.VideoProviderProxy$VideoCallListenerBinder (6 unique instances)
03-15 23:09:58.223 1000 12239 12239 F DEBUG : 6 of com.android.server.media.MediaSessionRecord$ControllerStub (6 unique instances)
03-15 23:09:58.223 1000 12239 12239 F DEBUG : 5 of com.android.server.wm.PinnedStackController$PinnedStackListenerDeathHandler (1